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更新时间:2024-06-13 11:25:21 发布时间:24小时内


With stunning presale(预收)receipts exceeding 85million yuan, the upcoming film, The Battle at Lake Changjin, is currently (top) the country's presale box-office charts(票房榜)for the upcoming National Day holiday, one of the most fiercely contended (period) for blockbusters.

A recreation of the title battle, 3. _________ turning point(转折点)for the Chinese People's Volunteer Army during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), the heavy-budgeted epic(史诗般的电影、书籍) will open across domestic cinemas in multiple formats(版式,设计), including IMAX, on Sept 30.

(report) costing over 1 billion yuan, the tentpole gathereda total of 17 production companies, including Beijing-based Bona Film Group andAlibaba Pictures Group.

The film held a premiere(首映式)inBeijing on Saturday, simultaneously(同时,急切地)organizing sneak previews in 33 cities, 5. _________ (include) Changsha,Chengdu, Guangzhou and Dalian. Huang Jianxin, the chief executive producer,said the film, with its script revised 37 times, recruited a huge crew withover 12,000 members. ^v^I 6. _________ (work) in the film industry all mylife, but I have never been so stressed before. I believe all the crew membersfaced off an unprecedented(前所未有的)challenge,^v^ said Huang, adding the film marks a tribute to those 7. _________sacrificed their lives during the war.

Joining hands with Chen Kaige, Tsui Hark and Dante Lam, three of thecountry's most prestigious(有声望的)directors,the film, which runs about three hours, 8. _________ (shot) over nearly six months, with the major actors all partaking intensive training to realistically portray military staff.


2. periods      考察主谓一致

3. a          考察冠词

4. Reportedly   考察词性转换

5. including    考察非谓语动词

6. have worked   考察时态

7. who        考察从句

8. was shot      考察动词时态


In the film, the man named Lei Gong left a deep impression on me. Lei Gong was the oldest person in the company. When he attacked the polar bear team in Changjin lake, in order to prevent the company from suffering more casualties, Lei Gong took the enemy's identification bomb into the car and opened the car. Then the enemy planes in the sky bombed him in turn. He protected the lives of his comrades in arms with his own life. At that moment, I had only reverence in my heart!

Wu Wanli is the younger brother of company commander Wu Qianli. He joined the army without telling his parents. When the military commander asked him why he wanted to join the army, his words moved me. 50000 Li said angrily: because foreign countries want to invade our territory, and the land just divided by our family, we can't let this inch of land be lost or reduced to foreign hands. At that moment, I understood more deeply what is the real ^v^safeguarding the country^v^ - there is a country, there is a home.

As the protagonist of the film, the image of company commander Wu Qianli is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When talking about the war, he said meaningfully: if we don't fight this war, the next generation will fight this war. At that moment, I really realized that our peace was hard won.

It should not be forgotten that during the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, martyr Mao anying sacrificed his life to protect important documents. Martyr Yang Gensi died with the enemy. Martyr Qiu Shaoyun would rather be burned than expose the target. Martyr Huang Jiguang sacrificed his life to block the eye... It can not be forgotten that the ice sculpture company completed its task. In the cold, the soldiers became ice sculptures one after another, but still held steel guns, Look into the distance

Yes, it is the revolutionary martyrs who, with their indomitable spirit, tenacious will, precious lives and victories, have won today's beautiful life for us.

Sitting in the bright classroom, listening to the history teacher explaining the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, I unconsciously straightened my body


The US Army has advanced weapons and equipment, while the people's Volunteer Army has only some backward weapons and equipment. Facing such a big gap, the people's Volunteer Army must pay a greater price to win the war.

At the beginning of the film, follow the camera to wuqianli's hometown. As the head of the seventh company, wuqianli went home to visit his relatives after the victory of the war of resistance against Japan. After meeting his parents, he received an emergency notice that night to stop visiting his relatives and go out to fight. The elderly parents can only watch the child and hope him to return victoriously. In order not to cross the ^v^38th parallel^v^ and the ^v^Yalu River^v^, the US Army led more than 100 soldiers to the Korean battlefield. Due to the continuous patrol of . aircraft in the mountains, their military trains had to move their positions after being found to protect radio stations and equipment. In the process of moving forward, the Chinese soldiers were not afraid of sacrifice, difficulties and hunger. They stood still in the freezing snow and ice weather, fought an arduous battle, and finally sent the radio to the front camp and arrived at the battlefield.

There are two scenes that impressed me most: one is that when they led hundreds of soldiers on foot to the battlefield, in order to hide the American patrol aircraft, they lay on a pile of stones without grass, trees and mountains, pretending to lie motionless on it. Two American planes kept flying and patrolling above. Because no enemy was found, they dropped bombs where they thought they were ^v^corpses^v^ for their own pleasure. At this time, Wu Qianli was very sad to see the soldiers around him killed by the explosion. However, in order to protect more from being destroyed by the whole army and arrive at the battlefield safely, the soldiers abide by discipline and can only tolerate it by default. The other is the final scene. When the . Army mistook it for the enemy, they came closer and found that it was a Chinese soldier frozen to death lurking on the mountain. When I saw the frozen soldiers lying on the snow with rifles, they were willing to turn into ice sculptures under the severe cold weather of more than minus 40 degrees, but they were not willing to shrink back. This spirit of selfless dedication and tenacious struggle all came from the martyrs' love for new China and their vision for a better life in the future, because they believed that China would win. As the American leader said in the film, ^v^in the face of such determined enemies, we can never defeat them^v^.

However, the war is cruel and ruthless. Now we live in a peaceful era of national peace and security, but we can never forget that our motherland was laid for us by those ancestors with their dedication and fearless courage. As Chairman Mao said in the film, ^v^I really don't want to fight this war, but I have to fight it for the development of the next century. If you fight with one punch, you can avoid a hundred punches.^v^ therefore, those soldiers who fight hard to protect the future of the motherland are the real heroes in our hearts. He Qi was lucky to be born in China and the country is prosperous. Today, with the development of the motherland, we should not forget the past, remember history, cherish today's hard won, and devote our strength with our determination and efforts to safeguard the beautiful future of the motherland.


The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is the founding war of the people's Republic of China! From 1840 to 1945, the history of more than 100 years was either invaded by the Eight Power Allied forces or by the Japanese devils. How many billion taels of silver have been taken away, how many treasures have been plundered, and how many creatures have been burned? It was the victory of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea that gave China today's status. The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea ensured China's 70 year peace. After the founding of new China, no major powers took new China in their eyes, even the defeated little Japan did not take China in their eyes, but the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea made Japan look at New China with new eyes.

The Korean War also played a deterrent role. During the period of the most serious Sino Soviet friendship, millions of soldiers on the Soviet border dared not act rashly. China ended the Soviet Union's last fantasy with two secret underground nuclear tests. Until the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, no Soviet leader dared to compete with the Chinese army in a frontal war.

After 1840, we were defeated repeatedly, and after 1949, we were invincible. The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is not only a war, but also a spirit. That spirit is a self-confident spirit of not believing in evil, not believing in God and not afraid of ghosts. It is a heroic spirit of not fearing violence and daring to light a sword. It shows that the seemingly ferocious US imperialism is not terrible. It is indeed a paper tiger. Since then, the Chinese have no longer been afraid of any army of any country on earth.

^v^All history is contemporary history^v^. In the current international situation, we must not forget the words of the founding leader: imperialism will never die to kill us! It is the sacred duty and glorious mission of every Chinese citizen to protect the country!

As far as China US relations are concerned, this commemorative medal is issued at the right time! This is a strong signal to all anti china forces headed by the United States and ready to move: the United States must treat us as enemies and we must be qualified enemies.


At the beginning of the film, follow the camera to wuqianli's hometown (Wu Jing). As the head of the seventh company, wuqianli led the soldiers who had just won the war home to visit their relatives. After meeting with their parents, they received an emergency notice to stop visiting their relatives that night and go out to fight. The elderly parents can only watch the child and hope that he will return victoriously. In order not to cross the ^v^38th parallel^v^ and the ^v^Yalu River^v^, the US Army led more than 100 soldiers to the Korean battlefield. Due to the continuous patrol of US aircraft in the mountains, our military train had to move its position after being found, protect the radio station, carry up its equipment and walk on foot. In the process of moving forward, the Chinese soldiers were not afraid of sacrifice, difficulties and hunger. They stood still in the freezing snow and ice weather. They observed the US aircraft at any time, hid in time, and finally sent the radio to the front camp and arrived at the battlefield.

There are two scenes that impressed me most: one is that when they led hundreds of soldiers to the battlefield on foot for thousands of miles, in order to hide the American patrol aircraft, they lay on a pile of stones without grass, trees and mountains, pretending that the ^v^body^v^ lay motionless on it. Two American planes kept flying and patrolling above. Because no enemy was found, they dropped bombs where they thought they were ^v^corpses^v^ for their own pleasure. At this time, Wu Qianli was very sad to see the soldiers around him killed by the explosion. However, in order to protect more from being destroyed by the whole army and arrive at the battlefield safely, the soldiers abide by discipline and can only tolerate it by default. The other is the final scene. When the . Army mistook it for the enemy, they came closer and found that it was a Chinese soldier frozen to death lurking on the mountain. When I saw the frozen soldiers lying on the snow with rifles, they were willing to turn into ice sculptures under the severe cold weather of more than minus 40 degrees, but they were not willing to shrink back. This spirit of selfless dedication came from the martyrs' love for new China and their vision for a better life in the future, because they believed that China would win. As the American leader said in the film, ^v^in the face of such determined enemies, we can never defeat them^v^.

Now we live in a peaceful era of national peace and security, but we can never forget that our motherland was laid for us by those ancestors with their dedication and fearless courage. As Chairman Mao said in the film, ^v^I really don't want to fight this war, but I have to fight it for the development of the next century. If you fight with one punch, you can avoid a hundred punches.^v^ therefore, those soldiers who fight hard to protect the future of the motherland are the real heroes in our hearts. He Qi was lucky to be born in China and the country is prosperous. Today, with the development of the motherland, we should not forget the past, remember history, cherish today's hard won, and devote our strength with our determination and efforts to safeguard the beautiful future of the motherland.




My favourite film is ___________________.

The film is a ______(type) film.

It is mainly about __________________.

It is ______ and ________. (adj.)

It lasts ___________ minutes.

1)I like the film because it is full of __________________.

2)What's more, it makes me think about _________________________.


In 1950, when these brave soldiers were immersed in the good news of the founding of new China, the news that they needed to step into the smoke filled battlefield again came to their ears. What kind of mood did these martyrs hold to step into a foreign country? Enduring the cold, holding a rifle, willing to turn into ice sculpture in the cold wind, but also unwilling to shrink back. This extremely great and optimistic spirit and this selfless dedication all come from the martyrs' love for new China and their vision and desire for a better life in the future! In order to safeguard the national dignity, the security of new China, the national dignity and the long-term happy life of the Chinese people, the soldiers did not hesitate to go through fire and water.

Lu You, a humble man, dare not forget to worry about his country. Lin Zexu, who wants to benefit the country like life and death, does he avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings? Zhou Enlai studied for the rise of China. From ancient times to now, these vivid portrayals of patriotism show that patriotism is the invariable original intention and mission of our Chinese children, and inspire our Chinese children from generation to generation to make unremitting efforts for the prosperity of the motherland. No country, no home, no country. Between home and country, seemingly contradictory, actually unified. Compared with the family, the nation is a larger ^v^community^v^ and a ^v^everyone^v^ composed of many ^v^small families^v^. As Party members and cadres in the new era, we should turn patriotism and serving the country into practical actions to strengthen the country, practice the purpose of Communists serving the people, take the state that we will have no self and live up to the people, bear in mind that national interests are above all else, use our lives and sweat to defend the dignity of our country and the people, and safeguard the fundamental interests of the country. We should draw strength from the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, Take patriotism as a compulsory course in your life, forge ahead around your original heart and mission, defy difficulties and hardships, take root in the places where the motherland and the people need it most, experience yourself, promote your style of stressing politics, faith, rules, discipline, morality, conduct, dedication and achievement, and strive to promote the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Changjin Lake tells the decisive battle of Changjin Lake in the second battle of the Korean War. After the first battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the so-called United Nations troops continued to invade North in two ways, approaching the river boundary, the temporary seat of the Korean government. In order to contain its offensive, the third army of the ninth unit of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army crossed the Yalu River and entered the northeast of Korea. Under the extremely cold conditions of minus 30 to 40 degrees, there were seven companies and nine companies in the langlin mountains. Five thousand miles in the seven companies ate potatoes and lost their teeth, but the whole squadron of the ninth company was frozen to death and kept its offensive posture. An American said: ^v^This is a hero we can't beat!^v^

I think our Korean volunteer army is the angel of our motherland. We must study hard and cherish the hard won life. We should listen carefully in class, complete our homework carefully, take notes, and recite the texts required by the teacher carefully, because ^v^if a young man is strong, the country is strong!^v^

The film Changjin lake has changed my original learning attitude of muddling along. I will strive to become a good student with aspirations!


Changjin lake is adapted from a real event. It mainly tells that in the winter of 1950, the . Army crossed the 38th parallel, approached the Yalu River, and bombed China's northeast border. Although China is facing an urgent task, the Korean people's request for assistance, the Central Committee convened many meetings, and Chairman Mao thought over it repeatedly, Finally, it was decided to send our volunteer army to support.

The ninth regiment of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army was ordered to fight in Korea. On the way, they were attacked by the US military several times. In the battle of Changjin lake, the soldiers of the ninth corps of the Chinese Volunteer Army used barnyardgrass to satisfy their hunger, ice and snow to drink, frozen soil as a mat, and hard pressed the strong enemy of the US Army. Even if they were backward in equipment, they dared to drag the ace troops of the US Army into death hell. Even if they were frozen into ice sculptures, they did not forget to point their steel guns in the direction of the enemy. These fearless heroes, Cast the great wall of steel with life, dye the monument of will with hot blood, and quench the loyal soul of blue blood without fear. Their heroes have turned into a pool of blue blood, condensed hot earth, fertile green mountains, seven frost and snow, swinging the enemy's crown, cleaning the hearts of the people, shaping the national soul, the hero will not die, the heroic spirit will last forever, and the martyrs will always be remembered by mountains and rivers.

Seeing here, I have burst into tears. I can't help thinking that we have a beautiful and stable life growing up in a peaceful age. Isn't it the heroes who bought it with fresh and life?

The most touching picture is: the US aircraft dropped a guidance bomb from the sky, which can point out the specific location of the army. Lei Gong pulled up the guidance bomb with both hands, carried it to the car, drove the car and took it away from the army, but he would become a target. The US aircraft kept shooting bullets into the car, but he took the guidance bomb away from the army despite his scars, But the American grenades also hurt Lei Gong. After the plane left, the soldiers gathered around Lei Gong and cried. Five thousand miles away, he hid aside, took out his book, took out his pen and slowly moved to Lei Gong's name. While crying, he drew a circle. Each circle symbolized the death of a hero. Then Mei Sheng comforted him and said this: ^v^we must win this battle. If we don't fight, our next generation will fight. We live and die to let our next generation live a smoke free era.^v^

After watching the film, what impresses people most is the tragic war, the harsh environment, the tenacious will and determination to die, as well as the Chinese people's belief in the pursuit of peace and happiness. I also have deep feelings about this. Until now, the history of those heroes is also remembered in my heart. As Chinese people, we must remember history and remember that those heroes bring us a better life.

He Qi was born in China.

Salute the heroes!


In the film, a fierce fight and dash of 50000 Li and 5000 Li finally rushed into the headquarters of the so-called ^v^polar bear regiment^v^ of the . military, making outstanding contributions to the victory of the war. Behind this heroic act is the skills of countless elite soldiers trained day and night. In the face of today's world trend of great development, reform and adjustment, and various difficulties and risks on the way forward, we shoulder arduous and arduous tasks, and the tests we face are complex and severe. As Party members and cadres, we should study hard, think hard, apply what we have learned, improve our fighting skills, dare to bite the ^v^hard bone^v^, dare to wade into the ^v^mine array^v^, and promote all work with high standards and strict requirements, Constantly explore new methods and ideas to further improve the working ability of ^v^stepping down the rough road into a road^v^.

The patriotism that the interests of the motherland and the people are above all else and are desperate for the dignity of the motherland and the nation, the revolutionary heroism that is brave, indomitable and willing to die, the revolutionary optimism that is not afraid of difficulties and hardships and always maintains high morale, and the revolutionary loyalty that generously gives everything to fulfill the mission entrusted by the motherland and the people, And the internationalist spirit of striving for human peace and justice.

Now we live in a peaceful era of national peace and security, but we can never forget that our motherland was laid for us by those ancestors with their dedication and fearless courage. As Chairman Mao said in the film, ^v^I really don't want to fight this war, but I have to fight it for the development of the next century. If you fight with one punch, you can avoid a hundred punches.^v^ therefore, those soldiers who fight hard to protect the future of the motherland are the real heroes in our hearts. He Qi was lucky to be born in China and the country is prosperous. Today, with the development of the motherland, we should not forget the past, remember history, cherish today's hard won, and devote our strength with our determination and efforts to safeguard the beautiful future of the motherland.


After the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea broke out in June 1950, the enemy brazenly invaded Korea, and the United States sent troops to fly over China many times, bombing and strafing China's northeast border cities. Seriously threatening China's security, the Chinese people's Volunteer Army with Peng Dehuai as commander went to Korea to participate in the war.

The most incisive and wild and intractable warrior has been Yiyang Qianxi, who has grown into a brave and fearless warrior. When he first put on his military uniform, he stood askew, disorganized and undisciplined. He has the sensitivity and stubbornness of a young man and urgently needs to be affirmed by others. But there was also confusion in his eyes. Later, after a real war, separation and death, he grew up step by step, with perseverance and fearlessness in his eyes.

Wu Jing, five thousand miles. He has experienced countless battles and life and death tests, but in fact he has pain in his heart - the death of his brother Wu Baili, his little book with countless red framed names... He is a company commander, more like a brother. He wants to take care of 157 soldiers in the whole company, and he has the responsibility to let them go home safely.

Not only them, but the volunteers of the whole seventh company are like this. In the face of the cold, the . military, the tanks that are about to crush themselves, and the ice potatoes with only a few teeth, who is not defending the peace of the country with a strong will?

My mood was unspeakable when I watched the American soldiers eating fried chicken and coffee, while our ancestors could only chew hard potatoes on the mountains tens of degrees below zero.

Mao Zedong said that ^v^one punch is open, so as to avoid a hundred punches.^v^ in order to make our future generations no longer have to fight and face suffering ^v^, the film explained in a few words why our ancestors fought this war: in order to make foreigners feel that the Chinese people are not easy to bully and give future generations a better future. The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea has won, and the Chinese people's Volunteer Army has won!

The great spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea is enduring, and the great martyrs of the Chinese people's volunteers are immortal!

We are lucky enough to be born in China. It coincides with a prosperous era. We are free from war and lack of food and clothing. The people have faith and the country has strength. All eyes are Chinese, and all five stars are faith. May our motherland be prosperous!


The war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin,one of the most expensive ___1____(film) ever made in China, shot to the top ofthe weeklong National Day holiday box office, promoting the domestic market torebound after being unsatisfying ___2____ more than two months.

Set in the War to Resist US Aggression andAid Korea (1950-1953) and headlined by Wu Jing and Jackson Yee, the film___3____(tell) the story of the Chinese People's Volunteers soldiers fightingbravely under ___4____(freeze) temperatures in a key campaign at Lake Changjin,or Chosin Reservoir.

With the number of cast and crew___5____(reach) an unprecedented(史无前例的)scale of more than 12,000, the movie re-creates the seriousconflict on the Korean Peninsula amid the extremely cold winter of 1950,___6____ temperatures decreased to the lowest level ___7____ 50 years. Themovie's production involved more than 80 visual-effects companies___8____(domestic) and abroad, with the script revised 37 times.

___9____(break) over 10 records, includingsingle-day income for a film, the blockbuster(大片) has earned around2 billion yuan ($310 million) ___10____ its opening on Sept 30. It accounted___11____ around 75 percent of total holiday receipts, ___12____ had billion yuan as of Monday, according to the movie information trackerBeacon.

The film has also gained millions ofreviews and clicks on several of the country's most popular social mediaplatforms, including Sina Weibo and Douyin, with most ___13____(comment)praising the heart-wrenching tale and saying it stirred their ___14____(nation)pride, making them want to pay tribute to the CPV heroes who sacrificed theirlives. Some netizens said the film reminds them, amid the current China-UStension, to cherish today's ___15____(peace) life.


My favourite film isThe Battle of Lake Changjin. It is a 20_ war film about a famous war between the US Army and Chinese People's Volunteer Army. I love this film because it is realistic and moving. It makes me realize the importance of peace by showing hundreds of amazing action scenes. Therefore, The Battle of Lake Changjinis the best film I have ever seen.

My favourite film isAmelie. It is a feature directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet about an optimistic girl named Amelie. Actually, the film lasts 122 minutes, but I feel like it's only a second when I watch it. The film is full of laughter and tears, leaving lots of thoughts. For example, it makes me think about life. Life is hard, but it deserves soft. That is my favourite film.


There is a huge mountain range on the east line of North Korea called langlin mountain. This mountain range is basically uninhabited. The Changjin Lake campaign is in this basically uninhabited place. The volunteer army and the . military launched a tragic life and death battle. The battle of Changjin Lake changed the situation of the whole Korean War and gave our troops a firm foothold on the eastern front.

Changjin lake is to convey the spirit of revolutionary martyrs. A war movie, in the final analysis, is about ^v^people^v^. A good war movie must start with a character. If you don't have enough feelings for a character, it's difficult for the audience to follow him to the battlefield to experience the test of life and death and care about him. Only under such conditions can the film succeed; Otherwise, it will become a battle scene. If you can only see the battle scene, it is very easy to make people tired.





















