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更新时间:2024-04-20 10:03:14 发布时间:24小时内




Le parc de sculpture de Guangzhou est divisé en quatre zones, à savoir lazone de sculpture historique de Yangcheng, la zone de paysage forestier, la zonede sculpture historique de la Chine et le grand jardin de sculpture. Enutilisant le langage de sculpture moderne, les caractéristiques artistiques duparc sont plus remarquables et plus fortes. Il s'agit d'un parc municipalspécial qui incarne l'atmosphère riche de l'époque de la métropole deGuangzhou.Gr?ce à une planification raisonnable de l'ensemble du parc, à lacréation d'un environnement global et à l'utilisation complète d'élémentspaysagers pour obtenir la beauté artistique de l'environnement dans lequel setrouve la sculpture, le parc poursuit l'interdépendance et l'intégration de lasculpture et du jardin.Chaque sculpture n'existe pas indépendamment, ils fontécho l'un à l'autre pour former une image dynamique et continue, de sorte que levisiteur peut nager dans le jardin, être observable, peut penser, peut êtreapprécié, toucher le paysage, atteindre une sorte de plaisir esthétique.

La sculpture est connue sous le nom de ? danse de la solidification ?. Leparc de sculpture de Guangzhou non seulement promeut la culture et l'art deGuangzhou, mais a également une signification éducative profonde.Il dit aux gensque, dans le long fleuve de l'histoire et de la culture chinoises, la cultureLingnan de la Chine, représentée par Guangzhou, a une longue histoire et unelongue histoire.Le parc de sculptures de Guangzhou a un thème distinct et uneconnotation riche.C'est un "livre d'histoire vert", condensant la culture et lasplendeur de Guangzhou pendant plus de 20__ ans.Le go?t culturel est élevé, laconnaissance est intégrée dans le divertissement et les loisirs, l'art etl'histoire, la sculpture et le jardin sont intégrés.Le parc de sculpture deGuangzhou met l'accent sur l'individualité du parc thématique culturel, hériteet utilise des techniques artistiques de jardinage chinoises et étrangères,adapte les conditions locales aux conditions locales et maintient la végétationforestière d'origine.


Tianhe Park is a comprehensive park located in Yuancun, Tianhe District, Guangzhou. It is close to Tianfu Road in the west, Huangpu Avenue in the south, and Zhongshan Avenue in the north. The traffic is very convenient.

Tianhe Park is mainly characterized by natural ecological landscape. The park is planned to be five functional areas: Baihua Garden Scenic Area, Sports and Recreation Area, Elderly Activity Area, Forest Rest Area and Logistics Management Area.

The park environment is comfortable, the lawn is stretched, the hills are undulating, the trees are green, and the lake is sparkling, which is a natural and fresh wild style. The square in front of the north and south gate is 100 meters wide, with unique architectural style, beautiful plant color configuration, compact layout and modern park style. The most spectacular south gate central axis square is planted with scenic forests on both sides and equipped with various palm plants, which sets off the three-dimensional octagonal flower bed in the center and is more permeated with the flavor of Lingnan gardens. The White Pigeon Square, a symbol of peace and hope, is a place where pigeons fly freely in the blue sky.

In the park, there is also an exquisite garden with Lingnan characteristics, which is elegant and bright. "Yuehui Garden" is located by the beautiful Liuhu Lake surrounded by green willows. It is more interesting to see the merrily playing koi in the lake. The exquisite and beautiful "Yuexiu Garden" is built in the picturesque Cuihu Empire, which is known as the "Qi Lin in the Water", making the beautiful Cuihu Lake a good place for people to draw, photograph and relax. The Hundred Flowers Garden Scenic Area, covering an area of 80000 square meters, contains tea garden, azalea garden, crape myrtle garden and other gardens. It is dominated by plant landscaping, with clear layers and rich colors. There is also a pavilion in the middle of the lake and a circular pavilion with double eaves, which show the beauty of the lake and the mountains in the park. Deng Shichang's Tomb of Clothes of Xiao Mu has become a patriotic education base for young people, which has far-reaching educational significance.

There are supporting amusement projects in the park, which are popular with tourists. There are leisure yachts, happy bumper cars, happy bumper ships, exciting racing cars, pine forest squirrels, forest hunting, swimming pools, tennis courts, sea lions performance halls, children's parks, and science popularization projects such as magic forest and Harbin snow ice sculpture exhibition.


Dear passengers

hello everyone! Welcome to Guangzhou Science Center. It's my honor to show you around Guangzhou Science Center.

Guangzhou Science Center is located at the west end of Xiaoguwei Island, Panyu District. It is surrounded by water on three sides and Guangzhou University Town on the east. The Science Center looks like an "aircraft carrier" outside, symbolizing Guangdong's scientific and technological progress. Guangzhou Science Center has eight theme pavilions, four science and technology cinemas, an open laboratory, a digital family experience hall and an outdoor science square.

Now, let's enter the theme exhibition hall of experiment and discovery. We watch the two big balls in front of the door, just like a pair of eyes. In fact, life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty. Please go forward. This is called the revolving cabin. Its appearance is a cylinder. Come in and try! How would you feel if we each held a ball and walked around? you 're right! The ball began to turn its back on me. The closer I got to the wall, the more I felt. Why is this? This phenomenon is called Ollie force effect and centrifugal force. Once you enter the revolving cabin, you will have many extraordinary and wonderful feelings. Everyone step back, this is rutherford a particle scattering experiment. Rutherford, a British physicist, bombarded the gold foil with a particle with positive charge in 1910. He was surprised to find that most of the a particles can penetrate the very thin metal foil, but a few of the a particles are bounced back. This shows that the mass and positive charge in the atom are never uniformly distributed. You must know that every country has its own language! Do you want to hear it? Hurry up to the virtual earth of Children's World, pick up the microphone and listen!

Today, we spent a happy day in the Science Center and learned a lot. Welcome to the Science Center again to see the magic of science!


Haizhu Bridge is the first river crossing bridge connecting the two sides of the Pearl River in Guangzhou, and also the only steel bridge here before liberation.

It was built in December 1929 and completed in February 1933, and was contracted by the American Maxtown Company. Its total length is 356.67m, and the main bridge is 182.90m. The north and south spans are arranged symmetrically. It was originally a three hole through simply supported steel truss bridge, and the design load is two 10 ton cars. The midspan is an open structure and can be separated upwards to facilitate the passage of large ships.

When we came to the Pearl River, we could see the rolling Pearl River as a shining silver belt across the magnificent Haizhu Bridge on the sparkling river. It faces the broad People's Bridge from afar and lies across the rippling river. It's spectacular!

At that time, because it was the traffic fortress of Guangzhou, it naturally became the preferred target of the enemy's bombing in the war era. When the Japanese invaded Guangzhou in 1938, Haizhu Bridge was damaged. Although it was built later, the opening and closing parts of the middle section of the bridge deck could not be restored.

In 1950, Hengyang Railway Bureau Guangzhou Branch repaired and opened to traffic, and replaced it with a steel truss lower deck bridge. However, the bridge deck cannot be opened and closed, but its appearance is roughly the same as that of the original bridge. In 1974, a prestressed reinforced concrete box girder slow lane bridge was built on both sides of the bridge.

With the development of economy, in order to meet the increasing demand for traffic flow, Haizhu Bridge was expanded in 1975. The east and west sides of the bridge were widened by 7.83 meters, with the same span as the main steel bridge. In 1995, Guangzhou Municipal Bureau organized the maintenance and reinforcement of the steel truss of the main bridge of Haizhu Bridge, and adopted the self anchored suspension bridge reinforcement scheme. After the system transformation, the design load of the main bridge was 15 tons of vehicles.

We walked on the bridge deck. Two long white fences divided the bridge deck of the flat black asphalt road into three parts: sidewalk, non motor vehicle lane and motor vehicle lane. There are two steel structures on the bridge, which are like two helmets "worn" on the bridge deck, making people feel more secure. Standing on the bridge deck and touching the steel plate on the bridge, you can feel its vicissitudes over the past 70 years: Up to now, some of the materials used in Haizhu Bridge are nearly 100 years old, but it still has the same style. Haizhu Bridge embellishes and symbolizes Guangzhou with its long history and unique style. It is a part of the "Eight Sceneries of the Yangcheng City", which promotes the economy and communication between Henan and Hebei, and plays a role in the prosperity of Guangzhou.

When we got off the bridge, we walked slowly along the riverside road. From a distance, we saw that the Haizhu Bridge looked very magnificent in the bright sunshine. In the rolling Pearl River, four huge piers firmly support the bridge. The main bridge connects the steel structure on the bridge, like a steel dragon lying quietly on the Pearl River. Another gust of breeze blew, remembering that the Olympic flame passed through Haizhu Bridge when it was passed in Guangzhou. The first bridge on our mother river, Haizhu Bridge, witnessed a brilliant moment again.

We were tired from walking. Sitting on the benches near the river and looking across the river, we saw the cruise ship slowly "swimming" on the river. The laughter of tourists broke the peace of summer. Haizhu Bridge, you have provided many conveniences for the transportation of Guangzhou. Your simple and elegant posture has brought joy to the world and created a poetic atmosphere for Guangzhou!

"A city has vitality when it has water, and poetry when it has bridges." Indeed, it is beautiful to stand on the Haizhu Bridge to see the scenery. The river is vast, giving people a comfortable and relaxed feeling, as if it will be integrated with it; It's said that the most beautiful thing is to have a little rain. Haizhu Bridge in rainy season will give people a kind of hazy beauty and a real feeling, so it has the beauty and reputation of "misty rain on double bridges".

Although Haizhu Bridge does not cover everything in the world, it is indeed a historic symbol of Guangzhou, and "connects" the past and the future!


Guangzhou Guangxiao Temple is located at No. 109 Guangxiao Road, Guangzhou. It is the temple with the longest history, the deepest influence and the largest scale in Lingnan. The site of the temple was originally the residence of Zhao Jiande, the grandson of Zhao Tuo, the King of Nanyue in the Western Han Dynasty. During the Three Kingdoms Period, Yu Fan, the commander of the State of Wu and a scholar of the Yi Dynasty, was exiled to the South China Sea and gave lectures here, which was called "Yu Yuan" at that time. Because there are many caustic trees in the garden, it is also called "caustic forest". During the period of Long'an in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (397-420__), Tan Moyeshe, an eminent monk of the state of Mibin (now Kashmir) who translated the important Buddhist scripture "Sharifu Apitan", founded a Buddhist temple here, which is called Wangyuan Chaoyan Temple, commonly known as Wangyuan Temple.

Guangxiao Temple is located in the north of Guangzhou People's Park, covering an area of 30000 square meters. It is a national key cultural relics protection unit. The temple has a history of more than 1500 years. There is a saying in Guangzhou that "there is no Yangcheng, there is first filial piety". Although this may not be true, the temple is one of the oldest buildings in Guangdong.

The temple was first built in the Three Kingdoms, and its name changed frequently. It was named in the 21st year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1151). In the first year of Yifeng (676) of the Tang Dynasty, the eminent monk Huineng received the precepts under the Bodhi tree in front of the altar in the temple, and developed the Southern Buddhism, known as the "sixth ancestor of Zen", which added immortal luster to the temple. Since then, more and more temples have influenced the development of Chinese Buddhism.





















