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更新时间:2024-06-30 11:44:40 发布时间:24小时内


If you want to make a deep impression, you must follow the following steps: first, in short, you should keep yourself clean and tidy, and give others a fresh impression: clean face, white teeth, clean hands; second, you should wear very clean clothes, although the clothes are not fashionable, they should be clean and tidy, you should be good at using rich knowledge and humor It's very important to come and talk. If you want to impress others, in the end, you should be helpful, generous, friendly and polite. The last one, perhaps, is your attitude towards others and the world.

I think if you are optimistic and confident about your life, you will be welcomed by the people around you.









The door opened. and in came the English teacher said we had made remarkal progress in the last exam before NCEEwith a certain boy being the top. Everyone was guessing who it was until at last Iagain couldn't help tears. tears of joy.

Three months before on a similar occasion. Mr. Yang seriously declared that the results of the final exam were disappointing with a certain boy being at the bottom and suggested guessing who it was. Suddenly I found all the eyes were fixed upon me. Feeling it unbearable,I couldn't keep back tears of humiliation Class over Mr. Yang apologized for not keeping it a secret. So we decided to

catch up with the others by having extra remedial lessons. Painstaking efforts proved fruitful resulting in the joy mentioned above.

I owe my progress to the incident of humiliationwhich was so impressive that it will be buried in my heart forever.


My childhood, it is a song with a happy mood, a record of my childhood fun, big and small. Remember once, my mother to sleep on the sofa, 3 years old I sit on the floor playing with blocks, three feet saliva down, and I am also helping to put on a pair of, silly smile. Suddenly, I saw a like rabbit ears two iron piece, and put on a small black ball. I take this black things, bare little feet _kipper, snapped,_ ran the sofa over there. Then I _ride_ on mom, picked up the iron went to mother in the nostrils, mother was I woke, see this stupid idea, I will understand. Mom smiled and took me, I gladly run. Mother catch up with me, a picked up said to me: _kid, don't always think of some way to deal with me!_ I jumped out of his mother's arms and ran away. This is my childhood story, remember now, I feel funny.

我的童年,是一首带着欢乐调子的歌曲,记录着我童年**小小的趣事。 记得有一次,妈妈在沙发上睡觉,3岁的我自己坐在地上玩积木,口水垂下三尺,我也顾不上抹一把,傻呵呵地笑着。突然,我看到一个好似兔耳朵的两个铁皮儿片儿,插在一个黑色的小圆球上。我拿着这黑东西,光着小脚丫“吧嗒、吧嗒”地往沙发那边跑。 然后,我“骑”在妈妈身上,拿起铁片就往妈妈鼻孔里插,妈妈被我弄醒了,瞧见我这副傻样儿,就明白了。妈妈笑着拍了我一下,我乐呵呵地跑了。妈妈追上我,一把抱起我说:“小鬼,别总是想办法对付我了!”我跳出妈**怀抱,跑了。 这就是我的童年趣事,现在回忆起来,就觉得可笑。








It happened one night...

_Ah! 39 degrees! Get to the hospital!_ _Said the mother anxiously. Hurriedly carrying me, riding on the car, _shua_ of the way to the hospital. Because it was urgent, my mother almost got fined for running a red light.

At the hospital, a tall, bespectacled male doctor examined me and wrote out a prescription. Mother took the salt water, antipyretic medicine, race against time _shua_ to run the first floor, second floor, third floor...... When he reached the place where the salt water was hanging, he sat down to rest.

When hanging salt water, my mother gave me water, sweat, take a book...... Always by my side.

Finally at about 10:30, the salt water _dried up_, I was relieved, then I saw my mother's face ooze beans big beads of sweat, but she just wiped the sweat to send me home.

The incident still sticks in my mind.




























How to Make a Good ImpressionFirst impression is very important for us when we meet a takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand us when we meet for the first time. But,do you know how to make a good first impression? First of all, clean and should give the other people a fresh impression with clean face,white teeth and tidy dressing as will make others feel fortable . Second,we have to have deep confidence in you are calm and confident, the other person will feel more at ease and this makes a soid foundation of a good first impression 。

Finally conversations should be short and 't talk non-stop as this makes the other person bored. Try to find something mon beeen the o of you to talk so as to keep it flowing.









Everyone‘s childhood has many stories. The stories of childhood are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Today, when I went home to open the door, I thought of an interesting story. I forgot the day, but I didn’t move at that time.

One day, I went home with Cao Zhenqing. I‘m used to taking the key off my neck and opening the door. “Eh? Where’s my key? What should be on the neck, isn‘t it in the pocket? ” I haven’t been in my pocket for a long time. Is it in the bag? I poured out all the things in my schoolbag again. I searched every corner carefully, but I didn‘t have any clue. This “baby” key can make me anxious. If I can’t enter the door before my mother comes back, I‘ll be finished.

When I think of my mother reading a “long talk”, my tears are like a fountain, “splashing” to the ’m in a hurry, but my baby key won‘t show thought about it. By the way, how can I forget such an important clue? Didn’t I just play in the front garden with Cao Zhenqing? Maybe it fell there. I‘d better find it I got to the garden, before I could breathe, I turned the garden upside down quickly. But I haven’t seen the trace of my precious get annoyed at the thought that my mother is going to publish her long speech again.

When I jumped up in a hurry, I felt something knocking on the back. I felt it was my precious key. It turned out that the key was still on my neck, but it was left this matter, I feel that I can‘t be careless in the future. I should be careful in everything I ’s childhood has many stories. The stories of childhood are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Today, when I went home to open the door, I thought of an interesting story. I forgot the day, but I didn‘t move at that time. (excellent composition website )One day, I went home with Cao Zhenqing. I’m used to taking the key off my neck and opening the door. “Eh? Where‘s my key? What should be on the neck, isn’t it in the pocket? ”

I haven‘t been in my pocket for a long time. Is it in the bag? I poured out all the things in my schoolbag again. I searched every corner carefully, but I didn’t have any clue. This “baby” key can make me anxious. If I can‘t enter the door before my mother comes back, I’ll be finished. When I think of my mother reading a “long talk”, my tears are like a fountain, “splashing” to the ‘m in a hurry, but my baby key won’t show thought about it. By the way, how can I forget such an important clue? Didn‘t I just play in the front garden with Cao Zhenqing? Maybe it fell there. I’d better find it I got to the garden, before I could breathe, I turned the garden upside down quickly. But I haven‘t seen the trace of my precious get annoyed at the thought that my mother is going to publish her long speech again. When I jumped up in a hurry, I felt something knocking on the back. I felt it was my precious key. It turned out that the key was still on my neck, but it was left behind.

Through this matter, I feel that I can’t be careless in the future. I should be careful in everything I do.


My father promised me summer as early as before the final exam took me to travel to liyang, he says, liyang tianmu lake can be beautiful!

Looking forward to, looking forward to, finally wait to travel time. I was extremely excited that morning 5:00 get up wash, hot steamed bread, I eat breakfast. Pack pack then mom and dad. Car in the beautiful hangzhou ecological driving fast on the highway, my parents and I talked and laughed all the way after one and a half hours, we went to the tianmu lake. After we settled in the luggage into the tianmu lake park. We buy a ticket on the first visit to longxing island by boat. On the cruise, I saw the tianmu lake the lake is very clear, ambiguously can see some fish in the lake.

Soon we came to the island of longxing. On the island of longxing we play a lot of fun place, but what impressed me most is through the thick forest. The so-called forests across, is walking on the original path in the forest. We walked into the original forest, the thick never had the fresh air had to, I as if into a oxygen bar, inarticulate comfortable, walk in the oxygen of the primeval forest, the walking and looking at less than at the end of the forest, walk while listening to the songs of the this stream trickling rain, as I walked into a fairy tale world, I am a bird, in this world always walk in the front, the father mother far behind, his first to the front to explore. Trees of the forest oxygen bar, also is varied, some trees tall and upright, some saplings tertial plumes, and even be cane too bound to grow, I play very fun there.

Before you know it. It is noon now, we returned to the tianmu lake hotel to eat after a happy heart island - tianmu lake jiangnan first soup fish head soup, then let me delicious, delicious taste has memory. The next morning, we depart on time, back to nanjing.

This time, I not only appreciate the beauty of lakes and mountains in tianmu lake, tasted the delicious dishes of tianmu lake hotel burning, but also understand a truth, that is good to the environment, environmental protection is very important for, start from now, everyone be our survival of the earth's environmental small guards.










Everyone has the most impressive thing, and I am no exception. In the summer vacation, one of the most impressive things in my mind is _raising fish_.

One day, my father went to his colleague's home to play. When he came back, his colleague kindly sent him a few small fish. In order to raise these small fish, my father specially drove to the market, bought a small and delicate aquarium and a box of feed back. Seeing these colorful, beautiful fish, I jumped up with joy, tightly hugged my father asked: _let me take care of these fish!_

Every day as soon as I get up, I can't wait to rush to the fish box, say hello to my precious fish, and observe whether they are healthy? Then they were fed fodder. As soon as the fish saw the feed, they fell over each other to _ it, completely forgetting that they are elegant gentlemen and ladies. Watching them swim freely in the water, I danced for joy.

Although it is a small _aquarium_ but changed my life, it changed my morning _lie in bed_ bad habits, but also let my life become colorful. When I am unhappy, as long as I see these lovely little fish, my troubles will be swept away. Finally, I want to thank my father for sending me such a _valuable_ gift.


在一个星期六的晚上,妈妈 、爸爸和妹妹,还有我一起去散步,天空中只有一轮明亮的月亮,星星们全都被月亮的光盖住了。我们一家四口从地下商业街逛了一圈,我们便往回走了,由于我走得累了,便要求坐出租车回家,可是我们在路边等了好长一段时间也没有看见一辆空车驶来,我生气极了。由于我太渴了,希望马上回家喝水,所以我决定步行回家,也许比较快点,可妈妈却不同意。











It is well known that university is greatly different from high school mainly due to that university will hold a large number of activities which benefits college students a lot. From my perspective the most beneficial one is “Long-distance Running for Love” organized by the Students union when I am a freshman. The money collected by this activity is contributed to Project Hope.

It is really my honor to participate the long running because it benefits me greatly not only in body but also in mind. To begin with the activity reminds me of the great importance of physical health. Before I go to college I only focus on academic achievements while the physical health misses my attention. But the long-running tells me in time that a sound mind lies in a sound body. Additionally during my participation in this activity I am informed well that there are still many children in rural areas who have to drop out of school because of impoverished families. Thus for one thing I fully realize the great importance of helping them fulfill their dreams. For another thing I cherish the opportunity to study in university more for when compared with those children in poverty-stricken areas we should harbor a grateful heart.

By and large although I have taken part in many campus activities I deem the long running for love most beneficial to me. And I am looking forward to that more wonderful and meaningful activities will be held in our campus.




























