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更新时间:2024-06-04 15:19:33 发布时间:24小时内


Li Hua is capable without being aggressive, modest without being affected, which won him high reputation.



①Owing to the reasons discussed above, I won't hesitate to recommend ......

②Should you favor him with a opportunity, I am sure his future conduct will prove worthy of your confidence.

③If you have any trouble later, please contact me without hesitation.

④I would be grateful if you could take into account my recommendation seriously.

⑤If you have any further questions concerning this recommendation, do let me know.

⑥With these thoughts in mind, I fully support his application to your school and know he will make the best of all the opportunities you offer.

⑦To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for...


1、taste 品味;尝到

2、enjoy 享受

3、articulate 能言善辩的

4、promising 有前途的

5、remarkable 杰出的

6、distinguished 杰出的

7、well-rounded 全能的

8、all-rounded 全能的

9、mature 成熟的

10、sound interpersonal skills 良好的人际交往能力

11、second to none 首选的

12、academic performance 学术表现

13、be bound to 一定是

14、sound adaptability and analytical ability 良好的适应能力和分析能力

15、team spirit 团队意识

16、creative mind 创新思维

17、cool nerves 冷静思维

18、keep his feets on the ground 脚踏实地

19、down-to-earth 脚踏实地的

20、leadership 领导力

21、be qualified to 胜任

22、attain thorough insight into 对....深入了解

23、poised 泰然自若的,时刻准备好的

24、overall coordinating ability 整体协调能力

25、boast numerous attractions 拥有很多景点

26、enjoy high reputation 享有盛誉

27、at home and abroad 在国内外

28、have fabulous track record in 在..方面有杰出记录

29、diligent 勤奋的


Dear XXX



①I am more than thrilled to see your advertisement for the position in .... , thus, I am writing this letter to you with the hope of / hoping to get more information of / with regard / regarding / concerning it.

②Sorry to disturb you, I am writing to consult you about further information of / with regard / regarding / concerning ......

③I am writing in response to your advertisement /with regard / regarding / concerning ......, and I want to get more detailed information of it.

④I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding / with regard to / about

⑤Last week, I received your letter inquiring me about.... , consequently, I am writing this letter with the aim of presenting you some critical suggestions.

⑥Could you be so kind as to update me on some relevant information regarding it?






⑤I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me something about the

⑥Looking forward to your early reply at your earliest convenience.

⑦Thanks again for your reading, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.


1、aim to do sth. 目的是做某事

2、with the aim of doing sth. 目的是做某事

3、for the purpose of doing sth. 目的是做某事

4、in an attempt to do... 尝试做某事

5、in response to 回应

6、sth. is of importance / significance for you to attain, which will...... 某物对你很重要,那将会.....

7、appreciate 感激

8、prompt attention 及时的注意

9、the thing I want to know is that whether....... or not. 我想知道的是,...是还是不是

10、I wonder if ... 我想知道是否..


Everyone has his favorite teacher, so my favorite teacher is Mr. Wei, our English teacher. When we started learning English, we found it difficult.

One day, Miss Wei came up with a good idea to solve the problem. She brought some fruits into the classroom, such as apples, bananas and oranges. She said, ^v^today we are going to learn the names of fruits.

If you can tell me their names in English, you can eat these fruits.^v^ All the students listened carefully and studied hard. Some even stood up to answer the questions. After class, all the fruits were eaten.

I am more and more interested in English. I want to say from my heart.




Dear XXX:



①I am......(先进行一个简短的自我介绍)

②I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint about.......(你要投诉的内容)

③I venture to write to you to complain about.....

④I am more than reluctant(不情愿的) to disturb you but I sincerely hope (that) you can pay particular attention to the fault that.....

⑤I feel it a reluctance to write this letter to express / convey / extend my dissatisfaction / disappointment concerning / with regard to / regarding .....

⑥I was totally disturbed by the...., thus I can't help writing this letter to you for the hope of discussing this matter.




⑦There are several aspects underlying my dissatisfaction.

⑧First and foremost,..................(说你不满意的第一个方面),which cause much inconvenience to me at every aspects of my daily life.

⑨Additionally, ...................(描述你不满意的第二点)

⑩Under these circumstances, I find it .....(说你自己的感受) to (造成的后果)

⑪I cherish the belief that it's high time for you to realize....

⑫And to be honest, I am not prepared to put up with the situation any longer.


⑬I would appreciate it a lot if you could give me full refund or replace this with a new one.

⑭Your prompt reply to this letter at your earliest convenience will be highly appreciated

⑮Hopefully, I trust you will take my complaint seriously and give me a reasonable feedback.

⑯I would be much appreciated if you could attach timely importance to this matter and give me a early reply.


1、be dissatisfied with 对...不满意

2、be disappointed with 对...失望

3、make a complaint about 对...抱怨

4、unacceptable 不能接受的

5、disturb 使烦恼;使困扰

6、venture to do sth. 敢于做某事 / 冒险做某事

7、be reluctant to do 极不情愿做某事

8、be of most reluctance to do 极不情愿做某事

9、find it difficult to (under these circumstances, I find it difficult to reach my expectation)

10、inconvenient 不方便的

11、pay attention to 注意

12、cause many inconvenience to me 对我造成很大不便

13、full refund 全额退款

14、half refund 半额退款

15、replace sth. with sth. (replace this with a new one)

16、underlie 作为....的原因(there are several reasons underlying my dissatisfied)

17、concern about 关于....

18、put up with 忍受

19、intolerable / unbearable 无法忍受的

20、can't help doing sth. 禁不住做某事



As we see in the chart

②What emerges into our eyes is that

Emerging from the cartoon is an eye-catching scene that....

As is symbolically(象征性地) / perspicuously mirrored in the bar chart, there...

⑤As is vividly depicted / shown / indicated / illustrated / illuminated(描绘的;刻画的) in the picture, there ...

⑥As is shown from the column chart, .......

⑦As is explicitly depicted in the pie chart, .....

⑧The bar chart presented above reveals the fluctuation of.... over the period from.....to...... 如上给出的柱状图揭示了从....到....时期的波动...

⑨What are illustrated by the curve graph is that.

⑩The curve graph illustrates the .....

⑪The bar chart presents the detailed information concerning ....

⑫The pie chart gives the information regarding...

⑬This is a simple but informative chart.

⑭As is explicitly illustrated above.

⑮As is vividly / symbolically / apparently / evidently / subtly revealed / presented / shown / illuminated / illustrated in the graph / chart.

⑯Apparently / Evedently, this bar chart is meant to reveal the fact that...

⑰What is shown in the column chart above indicates that ..

⑱According to the bar chart(可替换) given above, we can explicitly see that....

⑲What is shown in the line chart above reveals that dramatic fluctuation have taken place in the.....(主题) over the period from... to ....


Dear XXX:



①How is everything going. I am writing to ask you for a favor. Recently I .......(描述自己情况)

②It is so significant and decisive that I ......(说事情重要性)

③It has disturbed me for a long time, thus, I have no choice but to turn to you for help.(说自己遇到问题,请求得到对方的帮助)



④Though I have brimful confidence that ....(即使我很有信心),I still need more practice on....(我任然需要很多练习)

⑤Recently I have a argument with my parents(说自己最近和父母吵架了), and I feel bad, which cause my grades decreased sharply.(导致了一个什么样的结果,对自己学习,对自己心情,对自己的价值观等等)

⑥说对方As an experienced psychologists,(这里先夸对方,你自己哪方面欠缺,那方面遇到问题,就夸对方是这个方面的专家) would you be so kind to give me some tips on how to relive this awkward relationship and make reconciliation with my parents.作为一个有经验的心理学家,你能不能给我一些建议,让我重温这段尴尬的关系,与父母和好如初


⑦Your early reply will be highly / greatly appreciated.

⑧Thanks again for your reading, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.



1、ask you for a favor 求你帮个忙

2、thank you so much for your kind help with my Spoken English. (这里的3、help是名词,但是后面也得接with)

4、be faced with 面临;遇到

5、run into 遇到(一般后面接问题)

6、feel tired of (doing) sth. 做什么感到疲劳

7、have difficulty (in) doing sth. 在做某事方面有困难

8、feel it a difficult to do sth. 感觉做什么很困难

9、find it hard to do sth. 感觉做某事很难

10、find it impossible to do sth. 感觉做某事是不可能的

11、there is little chance for me to get sth. 我几乎没有机会得到某物。

12、there exist little chance for me to achieve / attain my goal. 我几乎没有机会实现我的目标.

13、be unable to do 不能做...

14、bring me invisible pressure (on sth.) 给我带来了无形的压力(在某方面)

15、beg you to do sth. 求你你做什么...

16、poor adj.很差的

17、sth. is far from satisfactory. 某. 远不能令人满意

18、recommend sb. sth. 向某人推荐某物

19、recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物

20、feel faint in doing sth. 感觉做某事很无力(I feel faint in preparing the coming examination.)


(My English is so poor that I have difficulty understanding the text smoothly, which brings me invisible pressure.)


Hiring Celebrities as Mating Professors

Via Internet or other means of mass media,it is commoE to team that some super stars are employed as a guest professor of a universityT Whether it is helpful to hire personages for a university's development on hot debate from the very beginning.

There are two voices: Some people think that stars’ social influence can do good to the enrollment of a university and raise its social degrees of approval. Besides, universities should open to society and take advantage of various social resources,inclusive of celebrities1 life experience and struggling adventure. However, others hold the opposite viewpoint. They think that a professor under a star's name is just ai) advertising stunt, and has no practical meaning to the development of the imiversity. It also diverts students* attention from their academic study.

In my view, just as a coin has two sides, the inviting of celebrities as guest professors has both good and bad efFecU. Thus I think colleges should evaliiate the possible results thoroughly, and their choices should be based on the improvement of teaching standards and students, development. Universities should also take the features of their relevant disciplines into consideration before hiring some celebrity as a visiting professor.





①Aiming to / In order to....(和口头通知一样,先写目的,具体解析可以看上面)

②As the New Year(或者是其他什么节日) around the corner, we are going to throw a New Year party, which is intended to enable you to gain a better understanding of Chinese culture and enhance the relationship between classmates.随着新年的临近,我们将举办一个新年晚会,让你更好地了解中国文化,增进同学之间的关系

③A Chinese Reciting contest among the students will be held in the school lecture, which falls on 30th May, from 7 to 9 .

④如果有必要,比如题目交代了你是学生会主席,也可以把你是学生会主席的身份,在第一段介绍一下 I'm the chairman of the Students'Union. As the New Year is around the corner




⑤During the competition, not only can you acquire a superb platform for you to show yourself, but you will also compete with each other to see how skilled you are at your skills.在比赛中,你不仅可以获得一个极好的展示自己的平台,而且还可以相互竞争,看看自己的技术有多娴熟



⑥Those who want to take part in the contest are supposed to come to sign up at the office of the students’ Union before May 25th.

在通知的最后(右下角)还要加上署名比如Students' Union





Ladies and gentlemen / Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please!

Attention to me please.

Attention please.

Excuse me, everyone! I'd like to tell you that

Listen , there is going to be...

I have an announcement to make

There is something important to be announced.




In order to / Aiming to ....(说活动目的), a Chinese Reciting contest among the students will be held in the school lecture, which falls on 30th May, from 7 to 9 .(说这个活动或者是你要叙述的事情什么时候举办)

然后描述一下具体的细节,如果是讲座的话就说会有某某教授来give a lecture

如果是比赛的话就说某某教授会被邀请来be the judge of this competition



Professor Li from Peking University, who has won lots of championship and reach many relatively advanced achievement in many fields, will be invited to give us a lecture of Chinese idioms.






The winner of this game will be announced on the spot, and well-prepared gifts will be presented to the champion.


That's you!

最后就致个谢,如果觉得中间段内容不够,仍然可以补,说希望大家踊跃参加并且鼓励身边的朋友参加,这不仅是一次机会(用not only...but also 倒装),也是一个很好的平台展现自我的机会等等这些话


Today, when I was late for school, ^v^get up, it's ten minutes to eight o'clock.^v^ I woke up slowly, thinking that my mother had cheated me, so I went to the living room to see the clock on the wall. ^v^Ah,^v^ my mother didn't cheat me. If I was going to be late, I would go to the bedroom, dress, brush my teeth, wash my face, wash my hair, pack my bags and run shoes for a long time, and I didn't see a classmate.

I really hope I can have a classmate also late, accompanied me to speed up the pace, only feel today's road is very long, finally arrived at the school, I began to be afraid, afraid of the teacher let me stand up, or let me copy the text that let me even dare not enter the school, I gently walked up the stairs, swallowed a mouthful, quietly in the classroom, the teacher has been in class, I stood in front of the classroom door whispered a ^v^report.^v^ ”More than a pair of eyes staring at me, the teacher is still talking, not me, Zhang qianmeng, sitting in the front row, whispered to me: ^v^call the report.^v^ I bowed my head, blushed, and did not dare to say anything. The teacher finally finished speaking. On the platform, he came to me and said sternly, ^v^what's the matter?^v^ ^v^the alarm clock didn't sleep too long.^v^ I mumbled in.

^v^The teacher mercilessly said that I slowly walked to my seat with tears in my eyes, thinking,^v^ I can't be late again next time. ^v^.



标签: 新学期


An absent-minded professor, an absent-minded professor, was teaching anatomy. ^v^To give you a better idea of what I mean, I have a package with an dissected frog in it. I want you to examine it carefully.^v^ The professor opened the package and saw two sandwiches and a hard shell egg in it.

The professor said, ^v^I'm sure I've had lunch, but where is the frog?^v^.





Hiring Celebrities as Visiting Professors

1. 目前有不少大学请明星当客座教授

2. 对这一现象人们看法不同

3. 我的看法


Hiring Celebrities as Mating Professors

Via Internet or other means of mass media,it is commoE to team that some super stars are employed as a guest professor of a universityT Whether it is helpful to hire personages for a university's development on hot debate from the very beginning.

There are two voices: Some people think that stars’ social influence can do good to the enrollment of a university and raise its social degrees of approval. Besides, universities should open to society and take advantage of various social resources,inclusive of celebrities1 life experience and struggling adventure. However, others hold the opposite viewpoint. They think that a professor under a star's name is just ai) advertising stunt, and has no practical meaning to the development of the imiversity. It also diverts students* attention from their academic study.

In my view, just as a coin has two sides, the inviting of celebrities as guest professors has both good and bad efFecU. Thus I think colleges should evaliiate the possible results thoroughly, and their choices should be based on the improvement of teaching standards and students, development. Universities should also take the features of their relevant disciplines into consideration before hiring some celebrity as a visiting professor.



Dear XXX



①Having known that you have a taste for .........(这里写他对什么感兴趣,看题目具体要求)recently.

②Right now and right here, I am writing to inform you that................(通知对方举办活动的内容)


Now, I am writing to inform you that our school photography club is recruiting new members and whoever interested in is welcome.

③In light of your burning enthusiasm about environment protection, I am brimful of excitement to present my invitation about the ............(具体活动), a brief introduction of which is as follows.


④How is everything going?In light of your burning enthusiasm, I'm brimful excitement to invite you to participate in the tree-planting activity organised by our school, which falls on May 12th.

I genuinely invite you to be our distinguished guests who

I am writing this letter for the purpose of asking whether you can honor us to attend is.



④As scheduled, this activity will be launched on +(时间)

⑤First and foremost,weather permitting,we are scheduled to head for the destination in the morning.

⑥Additionally, what deserves laying stress on is that you're supposed to refer to some books with regard to.........(查阅一些相关的资料)

⑦From my perspective, this activity, whose original aim is to appeal to people to do(这项活动是呼吁人们做什么), is definitely a superb plat form to do.........(表这个活动是一个我们干什么的很好的平台)



⑧Hopefully, please feel free to contact me if you're eager to discuss this arrangement with me to further details.

⑧A prompt reply is encouraged.

Your presences are cordially requested and appreciated, and I am looking forward your replies at your earliest convenience.


1、have a taste for 对...有兴趣

2、have a fancy for 热衷于...

3、In light of 鉴于

4、burning enthusiasm about 对...似火的热情

5、be brimful of excitement to do... 充满激动去做某事

6、participate in 参加

7、get involved in 参加

8、refer to some reference 参考一些资料

9、refer to 查阅... 参考...

10、fall on 落于

11、weather permitting 天气允许的话

12、time permitting 时间允许的话

13、appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事

14、as scheduled 按照预定时间 / 按照安排



①The following factors offer a likely explanation for the ..... 以下几个因素为......提供了一个可能的解释

②When it comes to what triggers this phenomenon, it is not so hard to put forward several factors responsible for this phenomenon. 当谈到是什么导致了这个现象,我们不难提出几个导致这个现象的几个因素。

③From my perspective, there are at least two fundamental factors contributing to this phenomenon. 在我看来,至少有两个基本因素导致了这个现象。

It holds to be apparent that the cartoon is indicative that... 很明显,这张漫画表明.....

⑤The primary purpose of this picture is that..... 这幅图片的首要目的是....

⑥It occurs to me that.... 我突然想到....

⑦The implication echoed by this cartoon can be summarized that....这部漫画所传达的含义可以总结为...

⑧This phenomenon now exists in every corner of the world

⑨When confronted with..., most of us ... while few of us.....

⑩There may exist two reasons accounting for these noticeable changes.

⑪There are diverse components contributing to the above trend, but generally speaking, they may put down to the following three aspects.

如果是折线图,柱状图,饼图这一类,可以直接用The following factors offer a likely explanation for the .....,然后开始引入我们对图表内容的解释,并且分点深入剖析原因。



顺序:In the first place → in the second place → in the last place

First and foremost initiallyultimately 最后last but not least 最后且同样重要的是on the one hand.. on the other handfor one thing... for another...

因果:on account of / on the grounds that / result from / for / owing to / thanks to / due to / consequently / as a consequence

转折:nevertheless / nonetheless / however / whereas / while / on the contrary / contrarily / in contrast / conversely / in stead / yet / but / otherwise / on the other hand

递进:what's more / similarly / likewise / equally significant / more importantly / apart from / moreover / furthermore / aside from / in addition / by the same token / besides / subsequently

解释+举例:that is (to say)/ a case in point / namely / for instance / for example / such as / provided that / assumed (that)


①It is known to us that....

②As is known to all.

There is no denying that...

④No one can deny that....

⑤It is unimaginable / undeniable that...

⑥There is a noticeable tendency for people to do sth.

Owing to the fact that...



①Taking into consideration what has mentioned above, we may safely come into the conclusion that...

②From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that....

In view of the arguments above, we can conclude that ...

Considering every aspect of this phenomenon, we should bear deeply in mind that...

Given all the above arguments, I reserve the attitude that.......

Based on the discussion above, a conclusion can be drawn safely that.....


take into account sth. 把...纳入考虑take sth. into account / consideration 把...纳入考虑come into a conclusion 得出结论draw a conclusion 得出结论hold / reserve the view / attitude that 持....态度

based on the discussion / arguments / analysis above 基于以上讨论 / 分析

In view of 就...而看

In light of 鉴于

In terms of 就...而言






















