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更新时间:2023-02-23 16:30:13 发布时间:24小时内




  Henry James (Henry James, April 15, 1843 - February 28, 1916), the 19th century, the United States following Hawthorne, Melville after the greatest novelist, but also the history of the United States and the world literature writer. James's main works are novels, in addition to writing many literary reviews, travels, biographies and scripts. His novels often write about the intercourse between Americans and Europeans; how adult sins affect and destroy pure, intelligent children; the contradiction between material and spiritual; the loneliness of the artist, the life of the writer and the artist. There are novels: "an American", "a portrait of a woman", "pigeon", "envoys" and "gold bowl" and so on. His creation has had a tremendous impact on the rise of modernism and postmodernism in the twentieth century.

  Henry James is one of the pioneers of American novelists, literary critics, playwrights and essayists, who are considered to be psychoanalytic novels. His knowledge of human behavior is unique in the twentieth century The pioneer of writing skills in novels.

  Henry James (Henry James, April 15, 1843 - February 28, 1916, at the age of 73 years)

  British - American writer. He was born in New York's upper class of intellectuals, his father is a self-reliant philosopher and fantastic religiousist, brother William James is the first famous American psychologist and the most influential philosopher. James's childhood was spent in New York City, but James himself at the age of 12 with their parents to Europe and long-term living in Europe. His father asked him to receive a wealth of aesthetic education, take him to visit galleries, libraries, museums and theaters,

  Involved in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and France and other places, which lasted four years. He did not accept the system of school education, but quickly mastered the French, and began to read the French literature, fully accepted the influence of the old European environment. He grew up to realize the complexity of traditional social structures. In his youth, he was more interested in literature and creation. He was bustling between the United States and Europe several times, determined to engage in literary creation, and in the early days of adulthood. He often communicates with his family and keeps in close contact. He is good at social, familiar with the literary and art circles of many contemporary literati, many people become his confidant. On the late 19th century the United States and Europe, the upper life of a nuanced observation. But he was unmarried, James is gay. He and his contemporary American writer Edith Wharton maintained a long-term friendship. His emotional life is rich, creative passion, wrote a lot of masterpieces handed down.

  James's main works are novels, in addition to writing many literary reviews, travels, biographies and scripts. His novels often write the question of the interaction between the Americans and the Europeans; how the evil of adults affects and destroys the pure and intelligent children; the contradiction between material and spiritual; the loneliness of the artist, the life of the writer and the artist: Indicating that the writer's interest in personal moral quality.

  James works with novels "An American", "Washington Square", "Portrait of a Lady", "Pigeon Wing", "Envoy", "Golden Bowl" and so on. In the short stories are "Daisy Miller", "Aspen manuscript", "screw in the tight", "jungle beast" and a group of writers, artists living in short stories such as "real things", "carpet On the pattern "and so on. James wrote a lot of very insightful commentary on British, American and French writers such as George Eliot, Stevenson, Anthony Trollope, Hawthorne, Emerson, Balzac , George Sang, Flaubert and Turgenev and so on. There are three kinds of autobiography: "childhood and other", "as a son and brother" and "middle age".

  Henry James created a psychological analysis of the novel precedent, his pen, there seems to be like a maze of ordinary people in the inner world. In The Wings of the Dove (1902), he explores the "faint and dull" thoughts and feelings of the characters, transforming the "beating in the space" into the image.

  At the beginning of the twentieth century, James published three consecutive novels of "pigeon", "envoys" and "gold bowl", so that his creation reached a peak. In the Random House in 1996 selected the 20th century PARKnSHOP English novels, James by virtue of these three novels on the list, and are ranked front. Most of these novels celebrate the virtues of the American bourgeoisie. They are basically subtle inner activities, sometimes cumbersome and cumbersome and seem obscure. James's works are "Boston people", "Princess Casablanca", "American", "Poeton's collection" and so on. In addition to the novel, but also wrote some important literary criticism and script, travel and so on. James is known as the pioneer of modern Western psychological analysis novels.


  Born in New York on April 15, 1843;

  1862 was admitted to Harvard Law School;

  From 1864 onwards began to literary creation;

  In 1869 traveled the United Kingdom, France and Italy and other countries, decided to leave the United States, moved to Europe;

  1875 ~ 1876 living in Paris, met the blessing worship, Turgenev, Zola, Tudor and other writers;

  After 1878 moved to London;

  In 1879 the novel "Daisy Miller" made him famous;

  Published in 1881, "a woman's portrait", is his early creation of the most representative works;

  At the beginning of the 20th century, he returned to the United States and created three novels, namely, "pigeon wings", "envoys" and "gold bowls". These three novels were recognized as James's masterpieces. All three were selected in the 20th century. Novels and rank the forefront;

  1915 due to dissatisfaction with the United States in the early days of the First World War "neutral" attitude to join the British nationality.



  Born in New York, a rich family of intellectuals. The father is a philosopher, the theologian, but the man is rude. The long brother of William was as athletic as the athlete, and later became an awesome philosopher and professor of psychology at Harvard University. James's childhood was very unpleasant, he grew up in fear of his brother. James had nothing to do with the family, but later patched the relationship. How he grew up under the shadow of his brother, how he influenced his inner world, and thus influenced his creation, because James was too sensitive. Laughter rarely comes from James, thanks to his early death with his friendly man, including his sister Alice, his cousin Minnie Temple, who has been very heavy to live. James has used the succession of these people as a material, in the novel "Daisy Miller", "a woman's portrait", "pigeon", "envoys" and "gold bowl" to create a series of distinctive The heroine image.

  James has always wanted to be a playwright, and finally with his initiative away from the theater and ended. James had been worried about the success of his new play, "Gay Tomwell", but because he was so nervous that he did not catch the right opportunity. He is not good at dealing with the theater. The book tells the story that one night when he approached the theater, Oscar Wilde "ideal husband" is staged, he decided to give up to watch the gaudy gay wandime script performance. Because "he thinks these people in the theater seem to enjoy the pleasure of their own, he felt in his life he never had this look.He did not know in these so happy, so triumphant, so happy among the people How to spend that three hours. "So James went back again.

  Most of the tension in James's life comes from his alienation of what he cherishes. In fact, he has entered the upper class in Europe, rich writer to be able to contact him and be proud of, but he still feel that he is an outsider: is a bachelor, there is a tendency to homosexuality, although he suppressed this desire. At the same time he was an American, because then the United States has just developed, advocating European culture and worship of Europeans was a kind of atmosphere of the American upper class.

  He felt humiliated, began to look away from the public's attention, reduced contact with family and friends, traveled to Rome and Florence, where he intended to spend the rest of his life quietly. And later in England to buy a house with a garden, so settled down and dedicated to writing. Between 1902 and 1905, James published three of the 20th century's most promising novels: "Pigeon Wing", "Envoys", "Golden Bowl". In 1915 James joined the British. James's writing is very focused and very devoted, he put the novel as a subtle "comprehensive art" to seriously. Too seriously, so he is always in life and creation is intertwined with psychological anxiety and tension, so that the psychological balance is often broken.





















