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更新时间:2023-02-22 17:54:28 发布时间:24小时内




  Stephen Zweig (1881-1942), an Austrian novelist, poet, playwright and biographer. "The story of a strange woman", the novel "Heart of Anxious", memoir "yesterday's world", biography "three master" and "a portrait of a political figure."

  Zweig was born rich in Jewish families, youth in Vienna and Berlin to study philosophy and literature, the future travel around the world, make roman Roland and Freud and others and deeply affected. Creative poetry, novels, drama, literary theory, biography, biography and fiction achievement is most famous. During the First World War engaged in anti-war work, in 1934 by the Nazi expulsion, exile in Britain and Brazil. Suicide in Brazil in 1942.


  November 28, 1881, Zweig was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the capital of Vienna, Zweig's family is a Jewish businessman, rich family. In 1898, 17-year-old Zweig published the first poem in the magazine; in 1899, Zweig graduated from high school.

  In 1900, 200 poems have been published; at the University of Vienna and Berlin for philosophy and literature, after contact with Tolstoy and Dostoevsky's work, research and translation of the French Baudelaire and Wei Erlun, Belgium The poetry of Versaillon.

  In 1901, published the first poem "Silver String", included 50 poems; 1902, transferred to the University of Berlin to study philosophy; Vienna "New Freedom" published the first novel "travel", based on the "Bible "Published the" Po de Leier poetry collection "; compiled the" Versailles poetry collection ".

  In 1904, graduated from college, with "Tyler's philosophy" to obtain a doctorate; later "new free newspaper" editor, published the first collection of novels "Avery Kaye Valde's love", included "snow", " Travel "," love of love and love "and" miracle of life "four novels; later to Western Europe, North Africa, India, the Americas and other places travel.

  1907, published the monograph "Wei Lan"; 1906, the second poem "early wreath" come out; 1907, the first poem "Tai Sites" published, the following year staged; 1910, published monograph " Emil Valhallen ".

  In 1911, to meet Freud, and has always maintained friendship; tragedy "coastal house" came out, the following year staged; second novel set "first experience - children in the country four stories" published, included "hazy night Story "," family female teacher "," scorching secret "and" summer story "; to the youth of the embryonic period of children to observe the lust dominated by the adult world, to explore to depict the lust driven by the people The spiritual world, which became a tone of his later work, he called this novel as his "chain novel" the first one.

  In 1912, the only comedy "change comedian" came out, the same year staged; 1914, the outbreak of the first world war; published "letter to foreign friends."

  In 1916, in Mozart's house to buy the house in Salzburg; meet the female writer Friedrich Fung · Wendnitz; created the drama "Jeremiah", the first anti-war drama in Switzerland premiere, drawn And the "Jeremiah" in the Old Testament.

  In 1918, published an article "believe in defeatism", the novel "shackles"; a war to Od failed; after 1919 long seclusion in Salzburg, buried writing.

  In 1920, with the divorced and with two children of Wendy Nick married, the creation of "three masters"; 1922, published "chain novel" of the second novel set of "tropical epilepsy patients", included "tropical madness "The strange night", "a strange woman's letter" "heart blurred" and so on, write the sexual desire of life, showing by the desire of the adult men and women controlled by the mentality, they are driven by the subconscious in the so-called " Passion of the crime ".

  In 1926, published in the article "rush of a quiet glance"; 1927, published the third novel collection "emotional confusion", included "emotional confusion" "a woman in life twenty-four hours" "a heart Death "and other six short stories, write the lust of old age, the heroes are through the vicissitudes of life over the people, these people in the lust of the drive or accidental blow to the soul of the tremor and consciousness of the flow.

  In 1928, he was invited to the former Soviet Union to meet with Gorky and completed the biography of the three books: "Three Masters" (Balzac, Dickens, Dostoevsky) "The writings of the three writers" (Kahn Nova, Stendhal, Tolstoy); published by the 12 characters of the composition of the set "When human stars shine";

  1929, the historical figures biography "Joseph Fuxing"; in 1931, published "through the spirit of treatment"; 1932, historical figures biography "Mary Antonio";

  In 1933 Hitler came to power, Zweig moved to Britain in the following year, the same year by the Nazis expelled from the former residence, began to live in exile; his wife introduced an exiled Jewish girl Charlotte Altman made secretary; created "invisible collection "," The episode of the lake in Geneva "," old book door Mendel "," knowledge of new art "and other works;

  The Vienna incident occurred in 1934, the Austrian fascists asked Germany, Austria merger, was Nazi expulsion, has been exiled in Britain, Brazil.

  1935, "Maria Stuart", historical figures biography "Rotterdam people Erasmus victory and sorrow";

  In 1936, published in the medieval religious reform as the background of the biography "Castellian against Calvin"; novel "Heart of the anxious", 1940 was onto the screen.

  In 1937, separated from his wife, the next year friendly divorce; 1939, the outbreak of World War II, Austria was occupied; lost nationality; married to Altman. In 1938, after the Austrian incorporation of Germany, he joined the British nationality, and soon left Britain to the United States.

  1940 by New York to Brazil, when the fascist forces rampant, the writer witnessed his "spiritual hometown of Europe," the sink and feel desperate.

  In 1942, he completed the autobiography of "the world of yesterday"; on 22 February, with his second wife, Elizabeth Linti (33), committed suicide both in the town of Petropolis in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.


  After the death of Zweig, the Brazilian president ordered the country to hold the state funeral. After 1945, Zweig's works first in the United States and Japan, and then in the Soviet Union caused a strong reaction, but in the German-speaking countries seem to be forgotten. Until 1981, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Zweig, Federal Republic of Germany S. Fischer press reprinted Zweig's works, his short stories "Wonderful Night", "feelings of confusion", his writers Biography "three masters", "wrestling with the demons", his historical biography "Joseph Fuchs", "Mary Antonite" and his only novel "love and sympathy" has been published, and repeated reprint. Zweig is the most modern German language writer.





















