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  Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29, 1958) is an outstanding American musician. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 and began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group Referred to as the "King of Pop" in subsequent years, five of his solo studio albums have become some of the world's best-selling records: off the Wall (1979),Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and History (1995).

  迈克尔·约瑟夫 ·杰克逊(1958年8月29日出生),美国杰出的音乐人。他是杰克逊家族的第七个孩子。他第一次登上专业的音乐舞台是作为杰克逊五兄弟演唱组的成员。那时候他11岁。1971年,他还在这个组合时就开始了自己的独唱生涯。他的个人专辑成为了世界上销量最好的唱片——《培外》(1979),《颤栗》(1982),《真棒》(1987),《危险》和《历史》,并在之后的岁月里被誉为“流行音乐之王”。

  In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African-American entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. The popularity of his music videos airing on MTV, such as "Beat it", "Billie jean" and "Thriller-credited for transforming the music videos into an art form and a promotional tool--helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" kept Jackson as a staple on MTV into the 1990s. With stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced numerous hip-hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists.

  在20世纪80年代,他成为了流行音乐的代表人物,也是第一个在音乐电视成功之后强势转型的非洲裔美国人。他的音乐视频在音乐电视台播放,很受欢迎,比如“避开”“比利 ·琼”和“颤栗”——因为把音乐录像带变成了一种艺术形式和一种促销手段而受赞誉——这帮他把名声提到一个相当新的层次。录像带比如“是黑是白”和“尖叫”让杰克逊成为了20世纪90年代音乐电视上的重要部分。杰克逊的舞台表演和音乐视频推广了很多运用身体的复杂的跳舞技巧,比如机械舞和太空步。他与众不同的悦耳嗓音和发声方式影响了许多街舞、流行音乐和同时期的蓝调音乐艺术家们。

  Jackson has donated and raised millions of dollars for beneficial causes through his Dangerous World Tour, charity singles and support of 39 charities. However, other aspects of his personal life-including his changing appearance and eccentric behaviour-generated significant controversy which damaged his public image. He was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993, the criminal investigation was closed clue to lack of evidence and Jackson was not charged. He then married twice and fathered three children, all of which caused further controversy. The singer has experienced health concerns since the early 1990s and conflicting reports regarding the state of his finances since the late 1990s. In 20xx, Jackson was tried and acquitted of further sexual abuse allegations and several other charges.

  杰克逊通过他的“危险世界巡演”,慈善单曲演唱和对39个慈善机构的支持为公益事业捐赠或募集了成百万上千万美元。然而,他个人生活的其他方面—— 包括他面貌的改变和古怪的行为——引发了严重的争议,损害了他的公众形象。1993年他被指控犯了虐童罪,但是由于证据不足调查结束,杰克逊没有被起诉。后来,他结过两次婚,成为了三个孩子的父亲,这也引起了更大的争议。从20世纪90年代早期,这位歌手就经历了健康上的麻烦;20世纪90年代后期他的财务状况报告又自相矛盾。20xx年时,杰克逊因为更多的性虐待和其他指控被审判,最终被无罪释放。

  Jackson died on June 25, 20xx from a drug overdose, amidst preparations for his This Is It concert series.

  20xx年6月25日,杰克逊死于用药过量。当时他正在准备他的This Is It系列演唱会。


  On this vivid planet, it appears colorful with azure blue seawater, lush green plants and many world famous buildings. Among these largest artificial articles in the world, many originated from the same architect Ieoh Ming Pei.


  Ieoh Ming Pei, the 1983 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, is a founding partner of I. M. Pei & Partners based in New York City. He was born in China in 1917, the son of a prominent banker. He came to the United States in 1935 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B. Arch. 1940) and the Harvard Graduate School of Design (M. Arch. 1946).

  贝聿铭,1983年普利兹克建筑奖的获得者,是纽约贝聿铭股份公司的创建人之一。他 1920xx年生于中国,其父是一位出色的银行家。1935年他来到美国,在麻省理工学院(1940年获建筑学学士)和哈佛设计研究生院(1946年获建筑学硕士)学习建筑。

  During World War II, he served o n the National Defense Research Commission at Princeton, and from 1945 to 1948, taught at Harvard. In 1948 he accepted the newly created post of Director of Architecture at Webb & Knapp, Inc., the real estate development firm, and this association resulted in major architectural and planning projects in Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh and other cities. In 1958, he formed the partnership of r. M. Pei & Associates, which became I. M. Pei & partners in 1966. The partnership received the 1968 Architectural Firm Award of The American Institute of Architects.

  第二次世界大战期间,他在国防研究委员会普林斯顿分部供职,1945年至1948年间,在哈佛任教。1948年他接受了一家房地产开发商韦布奈普有限公司新设立的建筑部主任的职位,他对这家公司的加盟使得芝加哥、费城、华盛顿、匹兹堡及其他一些城市产生了一些建筑学上的杰作。 1958年他组成了贝聿铭联合社团的合股机构,1966年成为贝聿铭股份机构。这个合股机构在1968年获得由美国建筑研究院颁发的建筑公司奖。

  Pei has designed over forty projects in this country and abroad, twenty of which have been award winners. Pei is currently a member of the National Council on the Arts, and previously served on the national Council on the Humanities. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters (of which he served a term as Chancellor), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Design. He is a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


名人励志小故事:Lady Gaga 的音乐才能

  Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta Cborn March 28, 1986), better known by her stage name "Lady Gaga", is an American recording artist. She began playing in clubs in the New York City area while also working at Interscope Records as a songwriter for several established acts, including Akon. After hearing Gaga sing, he signed her to a joint deal with his own label, Kon Live Distribution. She then started to work on new material for her first studio album.

  She began working with a collective called the "Haus of Gaga" in 20xx, and released her debut album The Fame The album peaked in countries such as the United Kingdom and Canada to critical acclaim. To date, the album has spawned the international number one singles "Just Dance" (nominated for Best Dance Recording at the 51st Grammy Awards) and "Poker Face." After opening for New Kids On The Block and the Pussycat Dolls, Gaga headlined her first tour, The Fame Ball.

  被人们以艺名“Lady Gaga”而熟知的史蒂芬妮·乔安妮·安吉丽娜·杰尔马诺塔(生于1986年3月28日),是一位美国歌手。她开始在纽约域的俱乐部表演的同时,也以一名作曲人的身份在出版者唱片公司就职,为包括阿肯在内的许多著名歌手写歌。阿肯听了她唱歌之后,签约Gaga到自己的公司Kon Live Distribution旗下,此后Gaga开始筹备她的首张个人专辑。

  Gaga has been influenced by fashion and has been appreciated for her provocative sense of style and her influence on other celebrities. Musically, she is inspired by glam rockers such as David Bowie and Queen, as well as pop singers such as Michael Jackson and Madonna.

  在20xx年,Gaga开始和名叫Haus of gaga的组合合作,并发行了首张专辑The Fame。这张专辑受到英国、加拿大等国歌述的热烈追捧。目前为止,这张专辑已经催生了名列全球头号羊曲榜的Just Dance (在第51界格莱美音乐奖上获得最佳舞曲的提名)和Poker Face。在她为街头顽童组合和小野猫组合写歌之后,处,开始了首次巡演The Fame Ball。Gaga 深受潮流影响,因她的剌激打扮和她对其他名人的影响而受到人们的注意。在音乐方面,她受到格拉姆搭滚歌手大卫·鲍伊和皇后乐队等人,以及流行歌手迈克尔· 杰克逊和麦当娜等人的影响。











