关键字:电子商务 国际贸易 网络通讯
SUMMARY:ation technology, interconnected technology of the netodern communication technology, E-commerce makes each side party that involved in trading communicate ation technology and development of international trade, E-commerce arises at the historic moment. On the day of emerging , it has been paid attention by people all the time , and it is perfecting and developing constantly, it e a important fo rm of the development of international trade gradually , there is its development trend that indicates that it e the only ent speed of e-commerce in our country is very fast, some corresponding questions do excit. For instance neteans of payment, safety certification, such a great deal of questions as electronic material flos, the government must support energetically in policy, la, technical research, infrastructure,etc., Create t he good environment for using e-commerce in the enterprise; The enterprise merce should pay attention to the analysis of benefit introduction and training of persons of talent,etc., Really make e-commerce for enterprise.ake long-term planning , Implement e-commerce step by step, stage by stage,lead the developing merce ic benefits are considerable after electronic business application. The trend of its application development can't be underestimated Either. Its future ore perfect, and it merce International trade achine of ultrasonic wave
二. 加入 WTO给中国电子商务带来的机遇与挑战
(一). 加入 WTO为中国电子商务提供了良好的发展机遇
(1 )加入 WTO能扩大国际贸易范围和数量 ,为电子商务发展提供动力
(2 ) WTO的电子商务免税政策对电子商务的发展具有较大的促进作用
(3 )加入 WTO有利于引进国外信息技术
(二). 加入 WTO对我国电子商务的挑战
三. WTO条件下的中国电子商务发展对策
(一) 发挥政府的重要作用 ,做好电子商务的发展规划和宏观指导
(二) 加快我国信息化进度 ,为电子商务的发展打好基础
(三) 集中多方面的力量 ,加紧研究与开发
(四) 加强电子商务宣传与教育
(五) 建立国际电子商务框架 ,加强国际交流